
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Returning to her single room from the luxurious presidential suite, Liang Xirui felt her heart pounding wildly! Her cheeks were flushing crimson, burning hot! She had not had this feeling for a long time.

The scene just now was like a dream, and she was still in it -- the tall, mighty, and imposing man, who used to be so unreachable in her eyes, was actually with her just now, and they had their first "intimate" contact...

She couldn't figure out what was going on? In her heart, she resisted him, but she couldn't help but kiss him goodbye when she left!

Could it be...

Liang Xirui covered her burning cheeks with her hands and sat on the sofa in a daze, staring blankly ahead. She seemed to still see his image in front of her, his eyes curving when he laughed, his slightly hurried breathing, his well-built body, and his extremely magnetic voice—


She closed her eyes, almost indulging in his voice... For women, a man with such a voice has a natural attraction, not to mention that he is so tall and handsome.

Regardless of the power attached to him, she felt that she had been deeply attracted by him—

But if it weren't for the special arrangement made by Du Xiuqing, the county party secretary, she would never have entered his room or had such special "intimate" contact—

"Xirui, tonight please sort out the research materials that Secretary Li has been working on these days and bring them to his room—"

The "special task" that Du Xiuqing had assigned had made her very anxious.

She had thought that tonight, the highly-praised man with great power would make her have no place to escape! But she was wrong! Looking back now, the few hours she spent with him had completely changed her old impression of him…

She was sleepless this night...

At seven o'clock the next morning, a wake-up call woke Liang Xirui from the half awaken state.

After freshening up and walking into the dining room, she saw Li Haohui already having breakfast in the dining room.

"Secretary... Lee... Good morning!" She approached him and greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Xirui! Come, sit here..." Li Haohui looked at her, speaking with a kind and affable manner.

On his face, there was no trace of displeasure! Liang Xirui's tense heart finally relaxed!

She had thought that she didn't complete her "task" well last night, and must have upset him! But to her surprise, he was still so kind and amiable, even more cordial to her!

Liang Xirui chose her breakfast and courageously sat across from him.

Although he was not angry, sitting across from him, she was still incredibly tense, her heart racing.

He finished eating very quickly. Wiped his mouth gently, and smilingly looked at her.

This little girl ah, in his heart, was no longer the same as before! Ha! How beautiful she was, no matter how you looked: a standard melon seed face, high-bridged nose, skin like snow, bright eyes and pearly teeth. Especially those round, watery eyes, when she smiled, it was full of infinite charm, and that straight long hair, glowing with innocent beauty like a lotus out of water.

Her ordinary work clothes also looked so appropriate on her, that could not hide her attractive figure. There were few girls like this in official circles! Li Haohui couldn't help but sigh in his heart, naturally feeling a touch of special sentiment in his gaze at her.

Seeing that he had already finished eating, Liang Xirui dared not eat anymore after just a few bites.

Who has ever seen a leader waiting for their secretary to finish eating? Liang Xirui bashfully looked at him and gave a small smile.

"Why aren't you eating anymore?" He asked with a smile.

"I am full——" She put down her chopsticks, responding faintly.

"Ha, you're like a little kitten, eating so little?" He said with a laugh, "eat a bit more——"

"I'm full——" She repeated again, her heart accelerating once more.

"Heh heh, don't starve yourself! It's not time yet, you can eat a bit more." He said it with genuine concern.

"Should I go fetch your things?" She offered.

"No need, I've already brought everything down. Let's go." He stood up as he spoke.

She quickly went over to pick up his bag and water bottle, then followed him down the stairs.

His back was so imposing; she followed behind him, unable to see anything beyond.

Today, like always, Liang Xirui was to accompany him on his field research trip to the countryside. During the whole process, Li Haoxue moved from one rural household to another, interviewed the impoverished households, engaged in homely conversations, expressed sympathy to them, he was extremely cordial and dedicated to his work.

Liang Xirui stayed by his side, carrying his bag and keeping a record.

The next day, Li Haoxue ended his research work in Yuhe County and returned to the provincial capital.

Before he boarded the car, Li Haoxue kindly shook Liang Xirui's hand, smiling, he said, "Xirui, thanks for your hard work these past two days accompanying me to the countryside. Once we get back, make sure to rest well."

For some reason, watching his car drive away left Liang Xirui's nostrils tingling. There was a feeling in her heart that she had no words to describe…

However, what Liang Xirui didn't expect was that this assignment from the county party secretary, Du Xiuqing, would completely alter her destiny and thrust her onto the fast track of officialdom.

As a female secretary to the female county party secretary, Du Xiuqing, Liang Xirui's world was relatively simplistic.

All she needed to do was handle Du Xiuqing's daily work schedule, sometimes write materials and speeches for her. But most of the time, the county office staff would take care of it, she only needed to review them. She didn't frequently write drafts or materials, so she was more like a personal assistant.

One day after work, Du Xiuqing called Liang Xirui to her side. Looking at her, she said, "Xirui, I have a special task for you over the next couple of days. You must complete it satisfactorily."

"Yes, I will do my best to complete it!" Liang Xirui replied.

As for what the task was, she didn't need to ask in detail, she only had to await Du Xiuqing's instructions. Because she had never rejected any tasks arranged by Du Xiuqing before. "Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Committee Li Haohui is coming to Yu River for an inspection of the implementation of petition matters. His secretary is unable to accompany him due to other engagements, so you will take care of Li's daily life and routine affairs throughout his stay in Yu River," Du Xiuqing told Liang Xirui.

"...Alright, I understand..." Liang Xirui felt a bit intimidated, but she agreed nonetheless.

Responsible for the daily life and routine affairs of Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Committee, Li Haohui... This task seemed somewhat daunting!

Li Haohui had previously accompanied a central leader to Yu River for a national meeting on blood disease prevention. Liang Xirui had met him then; he was tall, formidable, looking strict and every bit the leader in his mid-forties. Such a man seemed very difficult to approach.

It's said that serving officials is like dealing with a tiger; serving others is not an easy task. If you do well, nobody praises you. If you do poorly, you can create real trouble - and Li Haohui was a provincial-level official...

Sigh, why did I get this job? Liang Xirui wondered.

"What's wrong?" Du Xiuqing saw her head bowed, she asked with a smile.

"No, nothing..." Liang Xirui forced herself to say, her face betraying her somewhat unnatural expression.

"Xirui, Secretary Li is a very amiable, kind person, very approachable, always considering his subordinates. You should relax and treat him with confidence, he will be satisfied..." Du Xiuqing reassured her.

"Okay, I understand..." Liang Xirui nodded her assent, there was still a hint of nervousness in her heart.

She had never done this kind of thing before, and while she could serve women, she had never served a man before.

Looking at Liang Xirui's fragile posture, Du Xiuqing was filled with delight.

Liang Xirui was a beauty with an innocent charm; petite and endearing, especially those curved eyes, they were very expressive. When she smiles, it seemed like her eyes were talking, making her particularly lovable.

After graduating from university, Liang Xirui took the civil service examination and was dispatched to the Yu River County Committee. There, she met Du Xiuqing who served as the secretary of the committee. A year later, Du Xiuqing took up the position of Secretary in Ping'an Town, and also assigned her to the town as a public relations officer of deputy division level, operating at the grassroots' level.

Last year, after Du Xiuqing was promoted from Deputy Secretary of the County Committee to Secretary of the County Committee, she directly transferred Liang Xirui into the County Committee office, serving as Du Xiuqing's private secretary.

However, over the past few years, Liang Xirui had never been seen with a boyfriend, let alone discussing marriage.

Du Xiuqing once asked her about it, but she just said she had not met the right one, the reason for which, perhaps only she knew.

However, girls as innocent and beautiful as Liang Xirui were specifically the target of many "older men."

Especially those affluent and powerful older men seemed to be even more fond of girls like Liang Xirui. They claimed to rekindle their youthful spirit from their interaction with such girls, eliciting a "second spring" in the hearts of these mature men, hence rejuvenating their life force.

The reason for arranging Liang Xirui to receive Li Haohui was because of a comment he made during his last visit to Yuhe for a national blood prevention convention.

That time, Liang Xirui had a few brief interactions with Li Haohui while catering to him, after which he complimented her in front of Du Xiuqing, saying, "Miss Xirui is admirable!"

Ah, a single comment, that weighed heavily on Du Xiuqing's heart.

When Li Haohui visited again without his secretary, requesting Du Xiuqing to arrange someone for his tasks in Yuhe, she immediately understood. Only Liang Xirui would be suitable, only she could be suitable!

Once Li Haohui returned to the provincial city, Liang Xirui's life seemed to return to normal.

Following Du Xiuqing around, doing the same work as before.

But Du Xiuqing felt completely different toward Liang Xirui.

When Li Haohui left, holding Liang Xirui's hand and the look in his eyes at that moment, deeply etched into Du Xiuqing's mind.

The way Li Haohui looked at Liang Xirui was full of affection and tenderness, perhaps there was also a touch of reluctance; he had a smile on his face, but there were twinkling tears in his eyes.

Throughout, Liang Xirui kept her head down, barely daring to look at Li Haohui. She was shy, uneasy, and a little attached. Although she didn't meet his gaze directly, one could tell that she was experiencing a mix of emotions.

That night, what happened was something Du Xiuqing could guess even without giving it much thought.

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